Are you a landowner or manager, or representative of an area in the South Downs National Park who may be interested in creating or re-establishing a pond or dew pond as wildlife habitat and watering hole for livestock?
Water bodies provide a biodiverse habitat for a multitude of species with ponds supporting around 70 per cent of all freshwater species found in lowland landscapes in the UK.
Dew ponds are synonymous with the chalk grassland of the South Downs, historically being dug by farmers as a watering hole for livestock and some dating back several hundred years. Over many decades and due to changes in farming practices, dozens of these wildlife oases have fallen into disrepair or been lost completely.

With climate change bringing hotter, drier summers, ponds have an increasingly critical role to play in providing habitat and sources of water for wildlife.
The “Pounds for Ponds” initiative is seeking to invest around £1m to create and restore 100 ponds across Hampshire and Sussex before 2030.
What does Pounds for Ponds fund?
This funding will support land owners, land managers and/or community organisations to create and manage ponds better for biodiversity.
Grants of up to £25,000 will be made towards capital expenditure. Applications will be judged on their proposed outcomes for biodiversity, value for money, ongoing management of the site as well as community outcomes.
What it does not cover
It will not fund organisational costs, training, transport, work already undertaken, recoverable VAT or costs associated with fulfilling a statutory obligation or planning consent.
Sites within the South Downs National Park will be the main priority for funding. Check here: Do I live in the National Park? – South Downs National Park Authority.
Who can submit an Application?
Local Authorities, Parish Councils, CICs, charities, and constituted voluntary groups can apply.
Applications from commercial partners and private land owners will be considered where projects are not-for-profit and show demonstrable commitment through cash or labour/management contributions. Projects with community benefit are more likely to be successful.
You will need to be the person/organisation who owns or is responsible for the site, or apply with their permission.
How to Apply
The latest round of funding for Pounds for Ponds is now OPEN to applications until 30 April 2025.
Decisions are anticipated by the beginning of July 2025. Please note that if demand greatly exceeds our available funding we may close early to applications.
Please submit a project enquiry form if you have not already been in contact with South Downs National Park staff about your project. This is so that it can be informed by the expertise of a Ranger. If you need advice from a Ranger in putting together your project and this is not possible before the deadline, you may be asked to submit an application to a future funding round.
To apply, please read the Guidance Notes fully and download this Application Form.

Need Inspiration?
The dew pond at Chantry Hill, south of Storrington in West Sussex, had become dried out and overgrown. The pond, adjacent to the South Downs Way, was last restored some 30 years ago.
Restoration of the dew pond took place in 2023 and included clearance of choking vegetation, relining the pond, installing new appropriate pond plants and protective fencing.
It will now offer significant opportunities for biodiversity enhancement and offer good public engagement benefit via users of the South Downs Way.

Pounds for Ponds is made possible with special thanks to our supporters
- The many individuals who have donated
- Froglife
- National Lottery Heritage Fund
How to Donate
Help us to support more pond restorations.