After you’ve thought of family and friends, you may choose to support the South Downs Trust by leaving a gift in your will.
Leaving a gift in your Will to the South Downs National Park Trust is a wonderful way to ensure that the South Downs will be protected for future generations to enjoy. Any gift will make a difference to conserve and enhance the South Downs.
For more guidance on leaving a gift in your Will, or for legacy information, please visit our Legacies page.
Legal & General have collated some useful advice about giving money to charity in a Will. It includes information about tax implications with handy examples and scenarios.

£500 Donation
Could cover the costs for our Rangers to restore a section of chalk grassland, creating a haven for wild orchids and butterflies.
£15k Donation
Could provide 100 metres of path, contributing to the wellbeing of the thousands of walkers and cyclists that use the Downs each year.
£50k Donation
Could help support large scale landscape projects, helping to improve and restore spectacular views along the South Downs Way.
Let us say Thank You!
Your Will is a private document and you are under no obligation to tell us about it. But, if you decide to remember us in your will and are happy sharing it, then we would love to say thank you!
To let us know simply email:
Registered Charity Number: 1174975