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Trees for the Downs Fund

Are you a landowner or manager, or representative of an area in the South Downs National Park that would benefit from more tree planting?

With more woodland than any other National Park in England or Wales, trees already form a vital part of our precious South Downs landscape.

However, pests and diseases like ash dieback and Dutch elm disease are growing concerns and threaten a significant number of trees nationally, including in the South Downs National Park.

We are keen to bring more woodland back to the Downs, but it is important to plant the right tree in the right place.

Can you help us achieve a total of 100,000 trees planted by the end of Winter 2025, as we mark the 15th Anniversary of the South Downs National Park?

Some of the 1500 trees planted at Wild Heart Hill over the winter of 2021-22 - in South Downs National Park
Some of the 1500 trees planted at Wild Heart Hill over the winter of 2021-22 – Wild Heart Hill

What does Trees for the Downs fund?

The fund supplies trees  and suitable protection for the young sapling, such as canes and guards, to sites within the South Downs National Park.  Check here: Do I live in the National Park? – South Downs National Park Authority  The recipient is responsible for the planting and their ongoing care.

Who can submit an Expression of Interest?

You will need to be the person/organisation who owns or is responsible for the site, or apply with their permission.

What are the conditions?

Conditions will be applied to each tree supplied through a Memorandum of Understanding. Each landowner/tree recipient will be asked to confirm that they:

  • Will cover the planting, ongoing care costs and take responsibility for the management and liability relating to the trees provided
  • Will  supply monitoring surveys about the survival rate and health of trees supplied for a minimum of 5 years.
  • Will provide location details of planted trees on a map once planted. This information will be published in order to monitor and promote the initiative.

How to submit an Expression of Interest

Read the attached Guidance Note and complete this expression of interest form, returning by 31 March 2025

Map of the South Downs National Park showing sites for Trees for the Downs from 2020-2025
Planting sites for Trees for the Downs initiative from 2020-25, including those planned for the winter of 2024-25.
List of planting sites for Trees for the Downs from 2020-25.

Need inspiration?

Watch this short film about the tree planting at Wild Heart Hill near Worthing in the South Downs. Connecting people to nature and encouraging them to protect – Connect to Protect

Trees for the Downs is possible with special thanks to our supporters:

  • American Express Foundation
  • Aspinal of London
  • The Boltini Trust
  • Boomtown Festival
  • Chalk Cliff Trust
  • Friends of the South Downs
  • Higgidy
  • Jude’s
  • London to Brighton EV Rally
  • Nyetimber
  • Our Founding Patrons
  • South East Water
  • Sykes Cottages
  • Southern Co-op
  • The many individuals who have donated
  • University of Sussex
  • Willmott Dixon

Can you help us?

How to Donate towards Trees for the Downs.

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